Tuesday, 14 April 2009



Brahmamurari surarchitalingam nirmalabhasita sobhita lingam
Janmaja dukka vinasakalingam tatpranamami sadasivalingam

Devamuni pravararchitalingam kamadahana karunakaralingam
Ravanadarpa vinasakalingam tatpranamami sadasivalingam

Sarvasugandha sulepitalingam buddivivardhana karanalingam
Siddasurasura vanditalingam tatpranamami sadasivalingam

Kanaka mahamani bhushitalingam phanipati vestita sobhitalingam
Dakhasuyagna vinasanalingam tatpranamami sadasivalingam

Kumkuma chandana lepita lingam pankajahara susobhitalingam
Sanchitapapa vinasana lingam tatpranamami sadasivalingam

Devaganarchita sevita lingam bhavairbhaktirevacha lingam
Dinakarakoti prabhakara lingam tatpranamami sadasivalingam

Astadalopari vestithalingam sarvasmudva karanalingam
Astadaridra vinasana lingam tatpranamami sadasivalingam

Suruguru suravara poojita lingam surapushpa sadarchita lingam
Paramapadam paramatmakalingam tatpranamami sadasivalingam

Lingastakamida punyam yapathe shivasannidhou shivaloka mavapnoti shivena sahamodithe


Prahlad said...

Lingastakam Meaning
Sloka 1
I Bow before that Sadashiva Linga which is adored by Brahma, Vishnu and other Gods; which is praised by holy and pure speeches. and which destroys (Frees us from) the cycle of Birth and Death.
Sloka 2
I Bow Before that Sadashiva Linga which is worshiped by Gods and Sages, which is the destroyer of Desire, which is extemely compassinate and which subdued the pride of Ravan.
Sloka 3
I Bow before that Sadashiva Linga which is smeared with all kind of perfumes and scents, which causes the elavation of Power of thought and before which the learned, the Gods and the Demons pray to.
Sloka 4
I Bow before that Sadashiva Linga which is decorated with ornaments rubies and gems and one which glows with the Serpent Lord coiled around; the one which is the destroyer of Dakshas yanga and Secrifice.
Sloka 5
I Bow before that Sadashiva Linga which is smeared with Safforon and Sandal paste, which is decorated with the Lotus garland and which extirpates the multitude of accumulated sins.
Sloka 6
I Bow before that Sadashiva Linga which is adored by multitude of Gods with genuine thoughts, full of devotion and faith and whose splender is like a million Sun.
Sloka 7
I Bow before that Sadashiva Linga, which stands of eight dalas, which is the cause of creation and which destroyes poverty in all its eight aspects.
Sloka 8
I Bow before that Sadashiva Linga, which is worshiped by all the Gods with their teacher ahead of them, which is always worshiped with innumerable flowers from the celetial garden and one which is the transcendent being and the Supreme Self.

Mahesh said...

nice post! lingashtakam is one of my favourite mantras. Thank you for providing it!